Why These 5 Minerals Should Be in Your Water
Drinking water is important for hydrating your body and improving functions like digestion. But with water that contains high levels of minerals, you get the added benefits of trace minerals vital to your body’s health. Dissolved in water, these minerals are easily absorbed for use by the body. Discover five important minerals that your body needs and can easily get from drinking mineral water.
1. Calcium
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and absolutely vital to healthy muscle function and growth as well as bone strength. Calcium is also involved in heart and nerve processes, blood clotting, and enzyme activity throughout the body. Your body doesn’t produce calcium on its own; it must be obtained from dietary sources. Most of your body’s calcium exists in your bones. If your calcium intake is too low, your body will “steal” calcium from the bones to make it available for all the other important body processes that use calcium, weakening the bones.
2. Magnesium
Calcium doesn’t act independently; it plays its role in conjunction with other minerals. In fact, the benefits of calcium depend on a balance of calcium with magnesium, another vital mineral found in high quantities in the human body. Magnesium has a shared responsibility with calcium when it comes to bone health. You need sufficient magnesium to metabolize calcium effectively and create strong bones. Magnesium’s benefits don’t stop with bone health. It’s also an important factor in glucose metabolism and has been linked to lower rates of diabetes. Magnesium is also important for heart health and has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve artery health. Magnesium may even have a connection with reducing symptoms of anxiety. It may also help remove toxic metals, such as lead, out of the body.
3. Sulfates
Sulfate is a combination of sulfur and oxygen, which takes various forms in the body. Sulfur is involved in many body functions, including detoxification, heart and blood vessel health, vitamin metabolism, and insulin function. Sulfates are necessary for transporting various vitamins and hormones through the bloodstream. A lack of sulfate in the diet has been linked to poor growth in animals, and experts infer that getting enough sulfate is important for your body’s healthy growth.
4. Hydrogen Carbonates
Hydrogen carbonate, also commonly known as sodium bicarbonate or simply baking soda, is often found in dissolved form in mineral water. Sodium bicarbonate helps balance the pH levels in the body. Since it has a more alkaline pH (8.4), it helps your body move toxic acids from the muscles into the bloodstream, aiding in detoxification and improving muscle strength and endurance. Sodium bicarbonate also helps with indigestion and can improve kidney function and dental health.
5. Silicon
Like many minerals, silicon works in partnership with other substances in the body – including collagen, calcium and vitamin D – to help maintain strong and healthy bones, skin, hair and nails. By helping in the production of collagen, silicon can also strengthen ligaments and tendons, leading to a lower risk of sports injuries. Silicon has also been shown to help the body in eliminating dangerous aluminum toxins, leading to better neurological health.
Minerals are the small-but-mighty nutrients your body needs to maintain healthy functions, including digestion, excretion, circulation, and regulation of blood and bone health. Primus water includes measurable amounts of calcium, magnesium, sulfates, hydrogen carbonates and silicon. There’s no easier way to provide your body with the health-giving benefits of these minerals than drinking a great-tasting bottle of Primus water every day.
Written by Amy Smith
Amy Smith is a Pennsylvania-based writer and educator, producing informative, research-based online content for a variety of clients in the fields of natural living, health and wellness, family and parenting.
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